Monday, April 4, 2011

The Grace and Truth Paradox - Randy Alcorn

  Oh boy.  If there ever was an area that tends to get out of balance in the Church and with Christians, I'd have to say the balance between walking in Truth and Grace is it.  People who lean too far into the Truth are very legalistic and rule based and although their intentions might be right, their methods are wrong.  So many people are turned off of Christianity because of this imbalance.  On the other hand, if one leans too far into Grace, the message of the Gospel is watered down to share only God's love, mercy and grace, ignoring His attributes of justice, righteous jealousy, and judgment.  This leads to many false converts worshiping a false god.

 This very short but powerful book by Randy Acorn does a great job of laying out the proper balance as demonstrated to us in Christ.  He came in Truth AND Grace. We have personally handed this book out to many Christians as a part of our ministry.  Owning a Christian bookstore, we talk to many Christians who fall into one camp or the other, or, are frustrated because they see how so many Church leaders lean one way or the other and are leading the flock astray. 

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