Saturday, June 20, 2009

Book Discussion - Putting Together The Puzzle of the Old Testament (Bill Jones)

Pastor Jones was a guest speaker at our Church last summer and presented the information contained in this book. Wow!!!! It was one of the most enlightening sessions I've ever attended regarding the Old Testament. This book lays out the Old Testament in a way that's very easy to follow and understand, irregardless of how long you've been studying the Bible.

Teaser: Intimidated, overwhelmed, totally confused. With hundreds of pages of names like Melchizedeck, Mephibosheth, Meshelemiah, and Michmethath, who wouldn't feel this way about the Old Testament. But imagine that the Old Testament was a 1,000 piece puzzle. Figuring out what you're putting together is easier if you have the picture on the box to go by and the corners and straight edges as guides. The chapters in this book provide the puzzles's box cover, corners, and straight-edged pieces so you can understand the whole picture of what you are assembling. Armed with these advantages, when you read or study Old Testament stories, you will discover how the pieces fit together.

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